For My Valentine  

Posted by Linda Keilbart Scanlan

For My Valentine

The phrase "In Love With You" conjures up images of youthful feelings. The anticipation of phone calls, giggling with the girls, sharing every conversation and speculating on what it may or may not mean. Spring flowers and temporary relationships. Hormonal spikes with unknown outcomes. Walking on air and having your head in the clouds. A temporary relationship.

However the phrase "I Love You" conjures up images of maturity. Walks in the park, security, winter nights before a fire. Knowing my companion is there forever despite the stupidity of the day or the decline of years. It is the rocking chair image of the twilight years. It is the knowledge of the other person's thoughts and heart. Rarely are there surprises or concerns because the shoe is no longer new, it is comfortable and desired. Instead of the fire raging within, there are embers that give both heat and light.

I choose "I Love You". I no longer have the energy of youth but rather the wisdom and maturity of age. I choose stability and predictable outcomes with my lifelong companion and friend. I choose solidity over possibilities.

I choose a love that will endure the worst life has to offer and a love that quietly celebrates the smallest of joys. A love with a great foundation even if the walls were to tumble and fall.

I Love You Valentine.

This entry was posted on Thursday, February 28, 2008 at Thursday, February 28, 2008 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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