I have been challenged to know what a Constitutionalist means. The following is what I found. I can't find one point I disagree with. I am not sure what was expected of me in this challenge. It sounded negative in it's challenge, but I could not disagree with any of these principles.
I was also asked to check into Federalism, which follows the seven principles of the Constitution Party. I couldn't find fault there wither. My research however has just begun, so I am open to all comments.
Seven Principles of the Constitution Party are:
1. Life: For all human beings, from conception to natural death;
2. Liberty: Freedom of conscience and actions for the self-governed individual;
3. Family: One husband and one wife with their children as divinely instituted;
4. Property: Each individual's right to own and steward personal property without government burden;
5. Constitution: and Bill of Rights interpreted according to the actual intent of the Founding Fathers;
6. States' Rights: Everything not specifically delegated by the Constitution to the federal government, nor prohibited by the Constitution to the states, is reserved to the states or to the people;
7. American Sovereignty: American government committed to the protection of the borders, trade, and common defense of Americans, and not entangled in foreign alliances. (http://www.constitutionparty.com/)
The party supports the repeal of the Sixteenth Amendment, which allows Congress to tax income, and the Seventeenth Amendment, which requires the direct (popular) election of Senators.[39] The party holds that each state's membership in the Union is voluntary,[40] this stance is known as the Compact theory.
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on Monday, April 20, 2009
at Monday, April 20, 2009
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Constitution Party,
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