Magical Movie Moments - Iron Man  

Posted by Linda Keilbart Scanlan in , , ,

"Since Marvel Comics and CGI started their mystical marriage in the late 1990s, we've had superheroes galore. Hulks, Surfers, Spidermen, not to mention constantly renewed Batmans and Supermans. So what does Iron Man have to offer that's different? A flawed character that becomes honourable is the answer, triumphing in the battle of Good over Evil in spite of being a bit of a prat." (Author: Chris Docker (eyeforfilm) from Scotland, United Kingdom)

That statement is perhaps the most redeeming value I give to this movie. The beginning was unbearably slow. The action was never really built up to a high pinnacle. The bad guy was obvious. The whole movie was spelled out for you. I prefer to think about what I'm watching and see if I can find value in it for myself.

My children thought it was another great movie in the Marvel Comic line. Some watched it in theater and insisted we get it for our collection. The movie is okay for our collection, but not one I would readily recommend to friends and family.

This movie stars Robert Downey Jr, Terrence Howard, Jeff Bridges, and Gweneth Paltrow. It is rated PG-13 for violence and
implied sexuality.

The hope I have is that now the foundation of Iron Man is laid with this movie, that any others that are made using this character will pick up speed and direction. A more in-depth plot and less ground-work. The future possibilities for sequels to be better than the original is definitely in the cards.

Here is a bit of interesting trivia, not wholly related to the movie.

"Marvel and Paramount approached the CMT show 'Trick My Truck' to select a Truck driver and trick his rig with the Ultimate Ironman makeover. Lance Burk was the lucky driver to be selected. When finished the exterior of the truck was painted to look like Iron Man's armor, led lights were put everywhere, the engine compartment was tricked out, jet thrusters (not real ones obviously) were attached to the back, and a copy of Iron Man's chest plate was attached to the back under a crafted sign that said Iron Man. The inside of the truck was refurnished to look like Tony Stark's lab, complete with a monster sound and video system." (

Here is a more positive review for those who love this movie or want another opinion.

And to make a judgment for yourself, here is your clip.

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