New Fairness Doctrine is not fair.  

Posted by Linda Keilbart Scanlan in , ,

I don't know about you guys out there, but I want to know the truth not what the government wants us to believe as truth. Shows like Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, Hannity and others are in danger of being censored.

This could also lead to retribution for teaching church doctrines over a pulpit which the government would deem antagonistic and racist. Things like marriage being between a man and a woman only. Blogs could be monitored and shut down. The government wants control of what is going on in the whole realm of communication.

This is a socialistic/communistic move. Look at Russian history. Take a look at Chine today. Do you want propaganda or truth?

The Left is launching a new and more deceptive strategy to implement the so-called “Fairness” Doctrine -- under different names and without a vote in Congress. But their goal remains the same – the silencing of conservative and Christian talk radio.

This stealth tactic was exposed in the last few weeks as grassroots opposition from friends like you threw a wrench in their plans to openly impose the so-called “Fairness” Doctrine. Now, Obama’s Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is preparing to use regulatory terms like “diversity,” “localism” and serving the Left’s definition of the “public interest” as new, backdoor “Fairness” Doctrines to indirectly impose this radio censorship.

How “diversity,” “localism” and serving the Left’s definition of the “public interest” will lead to censorship

Obama’s acting FCC Chairman, Michael Copps, says he believes the government has a role in enforcing media “diversity” -- including the re-examination of station licensing and making popular conservative and Christian radio programming somehow “more reflective” of “public interest!”

Copps added that given the new political climate, “we have a tremendous opportunity going forward to reinvigorate our media, to ensure that the public airwaves truly deliver the kind of news and information that we need to sustain our democratic dialouge and to reflect the great diversity of our country.”

In other words, liberals are tired of losing the battle of the airwaves, so their plan is to silence conservative and Christian talk in the name of “diversity,” “localsim” and service of their definition of the “public interest.” No Congressional vote is necessary. Obama’s FCC can impose any of these new “Fairness” Doctrines by simply enforcing their Leftist interpretations of already existing regulatory powers .

We Must Be Ready…

With this new liberal strategy now exposed, we must work to further strengthen our effort. The next key flashpoint in this debate over these new “Fairness” Doctrines is the pending confirmation hearings for Julius Genachowski as Obama’s FCC Chairman. That’s why I have decided to hold back on our petition delivery until the Genachowski confirmation hearings are convened.

We want – we need -- your voices to be heard when it matters most.

These hearings have not yet been scheduled, but we expect an announcement soon. Until then, I want the entire MRC Action Team focused on rallying critically needed extra support for our petition -- for delivery at the time of the hearings so as to ensure maximum impact.

After reviewing this update, please pass it along to 30-40 friends and family. Encourage them to take a stand for free speech rights by adding their name to our petition by clicking here.

In many cases you may have already sent messages to your friends and family about this issue without a response. Don’t give up!

After carefully looking over this new liberal strategy to silence the conservative voice, I am more convinced than ever that they will boldly move forward with their plans just as soon as Obama’s new FCC chairman is in place. That’s why we must react strongly when the time comes, and continue to grow our numbers until they do.

Because of the media’s dishonest reporting, tens of millions of Americans are wrongly convinced that there is no longer a threat to free speech on the airwaves. Linda, you and I both know this isn’t true.

Help bring the message of truth to light by forwarding this message today—urging your friends to take action with you.

As always, thank you for standing with the MRC.

David Martin

P.S: A quick reminder that the MRC’s annual DisHonors Awards Gala and Banquet is this Thursday. The event is already sold out, but to make sure that you and other conservatives can take part in the festivities we will be posting the video highlights immediately following its conclusion. You can access those highlights late Thursday night/early Friday morning here.

This entry was posted on Friday, March 20, 2009 at Friday, March 20, 2009 and is filed under , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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